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Mostrando resultados de 385553
  • Summaries - The 20th century and the world today | Recurso educativo 585109

    Summaries - The 20th century and the world today

    EduBook Organización

    • 2675 visitas

    1. Conflicts in the 20th and 21st century During the 20th century, there were two great wars: the First World War (1914-1918) and the Second World War (1939-1945). They were different from previous wars…

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  • Complete. The vertebrae | Recurso educativo 585310

    Complete. The vertebrae

    EduBook Organización

    • 2665 visitas

    Complete this text with the correct words: The vertebrae are 33 bones that form a column down the centre of our back, called the column. There are 7 bones at the top of the spinal column that form our .…

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  • Self-assessment T9 01 - The skeletal-muscular system | Recurso educativo 585343

    Self-assessment T9 01 - The skeletal-muscular system

    EduBook Organización

    • 2668 visitas

    Match the numbers to the correct part of the skeleton: immovable joint movable joint semi-movable joint short bone long bone flat bone

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  • Match. Nervous actions | Recurso educativo 585400

    Match. Nervous actions

    EduBook Organización

    • 2668 visitas

    Are these nervous actions voluntary, involuntary or reflex actions? Turning on the light in your bedroom. Blinking when an insect flies near your eyes. Controlling your breathing after running. Sneezing…

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  • Think and answer. Science and technology | Recurso educativo 585592

    Think and answer. Science and technology

    EduBook Organización

    • 2668 visitas

    Think and answer: Describe what you can see in the photos. Give examples of scientific progress in the 20th century. Do you use the Internet? What do you use it for? What is an e-mail? How do you send…

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  • Complete. E-mail | Recurso educativo 585606

    Complete. E-mail

    EduBook Organización

    • 2669 visitas

    Complete this text with the correct words: E-mail (or electronic mail) is a system of sending from one computer to another. It is the most popular on the Internet. The person who sends the message (or…

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  • Vermes e moluscos | Recurso educativo 586389

    Vermes e moluscos

    EduBook Organización

    • 2658 visitas

    Os vermes Os vermes son animais de corpo alongado, brando e sen patas. A súa pel é húmida. A maioría dos vermes viven no mar ou en auga doce, como a sambesuga; soamente uns poucos viven en solos…

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  • O caracol, un animal hermafrodita | Recurso educativo 586660

    O caracol, un animal hermafrodita

    EduBook Organización

    • 2669 visitas

    Nos caracois, cada individuo é ao mesmo tempo macho e femia. Durante a unión sexual entre dous caracois, ambos os dous colócanse un fronte ao outro, unidos polo pé. Cada un deposita os seus…

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  • Responde. O desenvolvemento e o coidado das crías | Recurso educativo 586680

    Responde. O desenvolvemento e o coidado das crías

    EduBook Organización

    • 2665 visitas

    Lembra o que traballaches neste apartado e responde: Cita dous exemplos de animais que cheguen a adultos por desenvolvemento directo e dous de desenvolvemento indirecto. En que animal adulto se…

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  • Selecciona. Os ríos da vertente atlántica: galegos | Recurso educativo 588557

    Selecciona. Os ríos da vertente atlántica: galegos

    EduBook Organización

    • 2664 visitas

    Selecciona cun ✔ as características principais dos ríos galegos e cunha ✘ as outras: Son os ríos máis longos e caudalosos da Península. Son curtos, xa que nacen en montañas próximas á costa.…

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