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Find the mistake!
EduBook Organización
- 1723 visitas
Here are some sentences from Part Seven, but each sentence contains a mistake. Correct them, then listen to Part Seven again to check your answers. I wanted travel as far away from Thornfield as I…
Speaking - Interview
EduBook Organización
- 1689 visitas
Imagine you are going to interview a famous performer, e.g. an actor or a musician. Write some questions, then find out the answers. Ask and answer the questions with another student. Example: What was…
Summary - Go back to the text
EduBook Organización
- 1638 visitas
Put these events in the right order to make a summary of Chapter Eight. They arrive in Ireland and take a train to Dublin. Phileas Fogg burns everything he can to get the ship to Ireland. When he…
Utopia and Dystopia - A Voyage to Laputa and Balnibarbi
EduBook Organización
- 1578 visitas
Jonathan Swift was not the first writer to use an imaginary travel book as a way of discussing his ideas about society. Many writers have used the device1 of an imaginary journey to explore political…
Speaking: hobbies/sports (T: Grade 4)
EduBook Organización
- 1488 visitas
Phileas Fogg played cards with his companions at the Reform Club. He also had an interest in travel. We can say that these are his ‘hobbies’, the things he does for enjoyment, not for work. What…
Comprehension check
EduBook Organización
- 1423 visitas
You are Charlotte. Answer these questions. Where do you live? How many brothers and sisters do you have? Do you go to school? What work does your father do? What work does your mother do? Who cooks and…
Thanksgiving - Thanksgiving
EduBook Organización
- 1390 visitas
Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November. It is a very important festivity, and schools and most businesses close for four days: Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. People…
Your trip around the world
EduBook Organización
- 1358 visitas
Imagine you are going to go on a journey around the world. Look at these notes of things to do. Number them in order of importance. Add some more things to the list. have vaccinations check expiry date…
Wit - The Life of Oscar Wilde
EduBook Organización
- 1314 visitas
Wilde was famous for his wit, his ability to be clever and funny – ‘witty’ – at the same time. You have already read one example of his wit: ‘I have nothing to declare except my genius’.…
Listening (PET)
EduBook Organización
- 1321 visitas
You will hear a talk about a hotel in the West Indies. For each question, fill in the missing information. THE BUCCANEER HOTEL On the island of in the West Indies. You can or wildlife. During your stay,…
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